320 Lightweight drone from Martian 255 kit

By Anglian on Feb 25, 2018

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This is a lightweight 320 camera drone made by stretching a Martian 255 kit by the addition of a carbon fiber sheet laminated central deck. The drone uses a Quanum gimbal and a Mobius Mini which also provides FPV. It has GPS and wifi telemetry but can also carry 915Mhz bi-directional telemetry as an alternative. The decks are the Martian 255 decks mounted upside down and to the rear of the deck assembly. 1cm square carbon fiber tubes are mounted over the front to carry the gimbal system. The Multistar 3000mAh 10C battery slides inside the frame and gives 12-15 minutes hover time. A Beitian 880 GPS/Mag is mounted at the very rear of the deck assembly to help counter balance the gimbal. Weight is 900 gms ready to fly with the battery included. It runs INAV 1.9.
If anyone is interested I can provide templates and drawings for the CF parts such as the decks and landing gear. I also am preparing a presentation that provides more complete design information that has complete dimensions and some design information including the ecalc model that started the whole project.



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FrostedFPV   Feb 26, 2018  

Do you have any videos recorded by the mobius? Why didnt you go with a underslung gimbal?

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FrostedFPV   Mar 08, 2018 

Do you have a link?

Anglian   Mar 08, 2018 

It's in two parts hence the two links below

Anglian   Mar 12, 2018 

Here is the You Tube URL of some flight video taken by this drone.

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