budget yard flyer 2.5" 2S

By cutthenoise on Apr 16, 2018

21  1,482  3

This is NOT a leader 120. Just using the frame. Broke a bunch of other stuff so I cobbled this together. Ended up being a simple build that tears it up in the yard pretty decently on 2S. The two biggest downsides are the 25mW aio cam (so you can't fly very far) and this silly KingKong stack with only 2 mounting holes in the ESCs. Otherwise I've done extremely minimal tuning on Butterflight (3.5) and it is a fun little guy to rip around the yard or during my lunch breaks. The leader 120 frame is nice if you already have a whoop-style aio cam/vtx. It makes putting everything together very straightforward and easy. I know folks have crammed micro cams in there but I couldn't be bothered to shoehorn one in there. Plus, the aio cam really helps keep the overall price and weight down. I'd say it flies great for the price.




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SoupOS   Apr 10, 2019  

looking to build my first 2"/3", and a big factor is HD video capabilty. Do you think I could squeeze a turtle v2 into this build?

Dylancolestew@gmail.com   Apr 26, 2018  

That looks awesome. Im gonna need to get me 2.5 or 3" looks like a lot of

cutthenoise   Apr 26, 2018 

Yeah its a blast. You can fly lots of places you couldn't with a bigger rig.

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