Armattan Rooster 5" - rocket

By anmi on Jul 02, 2018

2  436  0

Armattan Rooster 5"

The Rooster was my first build. Assembling the frame was quite easy. The only difficulties were the sunk nuts (used the hammer) and the antenna rubber parts. I chose an AIO FC from Matek for less soldering. Matek has really good manual to help you with the connections.
I put the capacitor next to the camera. The Stack in the midlle includes the FC and VTX from Matek. The put the receiver right at the end of the frame together with the buzzer. The ESC were good solder apart from telemetry pads. The antenna frame holder is to thick. I couldn't tightend the antenna properly. Apart from these little issues I really enjoyed building the quad.


  • Feels really solid and sturdy
  • Most components fitted well


  • The VTX Grommet together with the nylon washer are to thick. The result is the vtx antenna cant be tightend enough as it should be.
  • ESC telemetry pads bad positioned

Been flying it couple of times now and what can I say - flys awesome!!!



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