This project began as my first 20x20 fc build.
I knew it would be a challenge working so small for the first time but never thought i would be spending so much time on this build. It really became a challenge once i realized i could make a canopy for this frame just like i had done for my first AtomV1 build.
I started by packaging the components in a tighter configuration to give myself the smallest shape to build around. Wrapped the build tightly with electrical tape and took measurements to bring into sketchup. While this was going on, i was contacted by AirbladeUAV and asked if i wanted to design a canopy. I was on it already so sure. I did some quick sketch ideas and ended up going with a design based on the AtomV2. Like a baby AtomV2 i thought.
Modeling takes time, but what takes longest is waiting for test prints from Shapeways. It takes like two weeks to get a test print and then only to realize you have already made changes and want to order another to test. Eventually after more weeks of ordering and testing im happy and say enough is enough, and then a new camera comes out (runcam micro) and you wanna package that instead so make more changes and order another test part and so on.
The canopy is 1mm thick, weighs 3grams and provides a good deal of protection to the components during a crash. Also keeps out grass and other debris.
Openings on the sides provide some ventilation and quick access to the usb plug. Works great with the Gemfan 2035 but now i use the tougher ROTORX 1940, awesome prop!
Build in the pics includes eachine f3 and esc from eachine cube. but can use almost any 20x20 stack
frsky XM+ or similar size Rx
the esc, fc stack needs to be built as low as possible (6-maybe 8mm high) to acomodate camera and mount. If you stack higher, you might have to depin the camera to make room.
Note: the USB plug might not line up with the openings. I got mine to line up after some time spent standoff trimming to achive a desired height. In any case, I mostly make adjustments thru the the osd now so less need to access the plug on the field.
Build is 61-63grams depending how big a capacitor you go with if any.
i fly 350mah 3s leasure flights are about 4min
can also use 500mah 3s or 2s
AirbladeUAV has done it again and this time they've brought long range to the 5" class! Based on the popular Transformer Mini, the new Transformer 5" Ultralight adopts a lot of the same design philosophies with larger props and more payload capacity. It can fly upwards of 20 minutes on a 4 cell Li-Ion battery pack and in ideal conditions it's got a range of over 4 to 5 miles. In this guide I'll walk..
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really nice build I really like your canopy and am jealous of your piloting skills 😋
haha, glad you like and, i know the feeling