Hi , got toys today.
2 flyfolor f4 40amp bl32 stacks.
So what to do MMMMM. I know.
Build 2 identical rigs with different motors .
See who wins.
As you can probably tell ive never been chained.
Ok frames my current fave is the falcon hybread . stretch ,wider not much in back narrower up front stretched front to back just a bit.
I feel the shape has little effect on flight performance some might say its a feel thing.
Also i like to invert the front motors to move props out of camera line and it seems to give the rear props cleaner air. the way i see it the further appart the tips of the props the better.
Motors as seen on previous post the xing and dong , I love the names sounds so sophisticaited.
Pictures and things to come .
tired now.
These fly color stacks are super easy . Had one before in my fave kwad but some stupe in a jeep ran over it in my drive when he pulled in to answer his poxing cell. I went BANNANNANNAS.
Any how. There are no solder joints on the board but you will have to muck about and possably splice some wires for odd cables ,but its safe easy stuff done away from the board. double check all pinouts and once done a small dab of liquid e tape on the OUTSIDE of the plugs to keep them safe.
The one consession to this is i allways power my vtx from v bat . Brown outs from the board not being able to supply enough power to high output vtx will kill all fun.
I will be using the supplied caps , Electrical noise is a factor in all builds.
Clear heat shrink is your friend, get lots. a little puck of tip fixa and a flux pen are a must. If you ding up the cutting edges of your snips BIN THEM.
Practice pinning and un pinning plugs .
yes i use flysky. Cheap small and the osd does the rest.
FRAME HARMONICS . Your frames can sing in harmony with the fc and motors or these harmonics can build up and feed back into the fc.
Idealy we should softmount the arms (ALL PROBLEMS SOLVED).
Its why some old sloppy worn out kwads fly good. the friction in the floppy frame acts as a damper turning frame vibs into heat.
The Big Bogy 4.0
4.0 is fine ,but caution is needed. i will be lowering pids for the first flights. these arent the most grunty rigs but not really knowing 4.0 ill play it safe.
The weight differense is all motors and wiring..
Time to config and button up for a thrash.
Flew zing today . 4.0 feels different but thats good becayse as i tweek it arround to how i like the diference between the motors should show.
Because i will do the same to dong tomorrow. So tuning differences should be small but obvious.
Or ill take the point of view as i did wirh field archery no 2 bows shoot 100% the same. I got reall good at field and target archery ( Master bowman good) , I aim to get that good at the art of fpv.
On the way to the top levell of competition archery i reaolised your kit was a factor but not the factor. As i traveled and observed the culture of archers a common theme developed , the guy who kicked ass all day didnt have the best kit or attitude or even personal hygene , he was there for only one reason , to have a good time.
Minor issue , the reciever antenna out the top (NOT GOOD FOR RANGE). Put it poking out from arm bardwell style. Much better no failsafes in my home range .
4.0 feels washy untill you push it then it tightens right up. still working on that transition but its a balance between robotic and organic.
OK 4.0 got the flick and 4.2 flashed. With my rates it flew worse than 4.0 but cooler motors.
So after some minor lowering of all p and d terms raising d min a tad and lowering idle to 4.5 it was flying ok but the rates felt way off.
quicker and slower than 3.5.7 in a funky way i cant explain . A little more playing with rates ended up with a lower max deg per sec by 200 with the same overall feel as i like (Feed foward 100 rc rate 1.25 super rate .72 max vel 893 deg sec.
Now that was zing tuned and just about ready for a clean and rebuild.Those beautiful motors those poor poor motors , it has not rained here for 9 months and the ground is made quite literally of iron rust. When you land motors fill with magnetic dust.
DONG TIME tomorrow.
Havent actually flown dong yet but i gave been hammering the heck out of DROP BEAR whitch has the dong motors.
the dong bearings sounded rough out of the box but have not got worse , may even be smoother.
XING correct spelling for the benifit of john doe whom failed to get the kabob ZXING reference in a previous post ,
any how the zing bearing setup is tighter feeling than the dong with less play at least by feel .both out of the box and after a good thrashing.
Something about the zing motors . they feel peaky like a higher "kv" than 2450.
The heavy bell may be masking the kv by a few hundred rpm giving them a peakey tourkey feel like a 2207 2700kv and the seam where the bell halves join seems to be opening up other than that i like them.
DONG ,weaker magnets larger airgap giving a softer more linear power curve I feel a little more predictable to fly. Alittle easier to drop into a gap and blip out of it without hitting a power band and shooting the moon.
I fried a xing.
Totally my fault .
Loose motor screws , mid flight D termed it to death.
Got hot enough to melt the insulation on the coils.
Bearings and shaft still good . Popped a shaft out , splined and titanium very good.
The bell is a bit bashed but a good spare.
Lucky i usually buy 6 motors at a time .
Flight Controller |
Flycolor X-Tower 40A (F4 Flight Controller w/40A 4in1 BL_32 ESC)
(2 builds)
$67.00 |
Propellers |
DAL Cyclone T5046C Tri-Blade 5" Prop 4 Pack - Choose Your Color
(391 builds)
$2.99 |
Receiver |
Flysky FS-A8S FS A8S V2 2.4G 8CH Mini Receiver with PPM i-BUS SBUS Output
(91 builds)
$9.99 |
Radio |
DJI Digital FPV Remote Controller - Mode 2
(61 builds)
$209.29 |
Goggles |
DJI FPV Goggles HD Digital 5.8Ghz 1440*810 720p/120fps Low Latency with DVR Compatible With Caddx Vista for FPV Racing Drone RC
(147 builds)
$534.29 |
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fried a xing