7" Ultralight

By MattS on Jul 27, 2019

21  2,244  5

My attempt at a superlight 7" craft sporting some serious poweful motors - I mean, why not? I couldn't find a super light 7" frame so I slapped parts of two Hyphymultirotors frames together: 6" arms from a Hyphylite which happen to fit a Hyphymultirotors Wobblegong perfectly AND due to the stretched nature of the Wobblegong it'll fit 7" props. This isn't my first 7" rig - previously built up a Hyphylite 7" with Hobbywing 2306 1600kv motors and ESC. it's a great quad, but I wanted something lighter and with a more torque! I decided on the Pyrodrone Hyperlite 2408.5 1622kv motors. A seriously porky motor (+40g each), but I'm hoping the extra torque will make up for the weight penalty. This will be my first experience using WhitenoiseFPV's SynergyF4 with direct soldered TBS Crossfire Nano RX and Unify VTX - should make for a CLEAN build!! I'll wrap it up using a Speedix GS45 4-in-1 ESC - which I've had a lot luck with, not cheap, but solid! I was hoping to get this quad close to our under 300g - not gonna happen with the fat 2408.5s - shes currently 380g completed with HQ 7x3.5x3 V1S. I could drop some weight by ditching the GoPro mount, but why? I got 10 minutes of flight time on the maiden flight using a 6S 1600mah and landed with 3.75v per cell. I'm gonna have to use a throttle curve to limit the top end, because 1622kv on 6S is too much for the HQ 7x3.5x3 V1S.


Part List


HyphyLite Racing Frame

Flight Controller



Spedix GS45 4IN1 3-6S 45A BLHeli_32 ESC


4 x HYPERLITE 2408.5 TEAM EDITION (CHOOSE KV) (20 builds)


HQ Long Range 7x3.5x3 V1S PC Prop (2 builds)

FPV Camera

Runcam Micro Eagle (323 builds)

FPV Transmitter

TBS Unify Pro 5G8 V3 (SMA) VTx Video Transmitter (32 builds)


Lumenier AXII Long Range 5.8GHz Antenna (LHCP)


TBS Crossfire Nano Rx FPV Long Range Drone Receiver (1502 builds)


Pyrodrone Graphene 1600mAh 6S 22.2V 75C (5 builds)


DX6 6-Channel DSMX Transmitter Gen 3 with AR6600T (SPM6755)



HD Camera

GoPro HERO5 Session (6 builds)
See Site

Video Receiver

ImmersionRC rapidFIRE w/ Analog PLUS Goggle Receiver Module (178 builds)

Radio Module

TBS Crossfire Transmitter

Battery Charger

2 x ISDT Q6 Pro BattGo 300W 14A Battery Balance Charger (62 builds)

Soldering Iron

TS100 Portable Programmable Smart Soldering Iron (265 builds)


Lowepro QuadGuard BP X3 - Drone Backpack for 4 FPV Quad Racing Drones and 15" Laptop w/Exterior Mounts (Black) (24 builds)
Show stores (7)


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HK-AERIAL VTOL   Jul 28, 2019  

It appears many of us are coming to love that Hyperlite 2408.5 + HQ 7" combination. I found it from another builder here on RB, and instantly fell in love. I am able to hit full throttle punch-outs without any negative effect on the HQ's, but I having a time tuning for some super advanced two-bladed pitch monsters. I'm super glad PyroDrone seems to be getting some good patronage as of late... I love having 2 day shipping for what I consider "the best motors I've ever flown". My current build makes 6 straight with 'em.

MattS   Aug 20, 2019 

I can't hit full throttle on 6S using 1622kv motors without causing the props to 'honk.' I think it has something to do with the speed of the top of the prop.

Holgenn   Jul 29, 2019  

I´m just working on a 7 inch lightweight quad from Rotorama... But my main problem ist massive chattering / oszillations. What Version of Betaflight do you use for your Build? The new 4.0 or any older version? Do you have any recommanded PID or filter settings?

MattS   Jul 31, 2019 

Typically I run the latest version of Betaflight, but on this build I'm running Betaflight 3.5.7 - hoping that would help, but I'm also dealing with some serious oscillations. I flew with some 6" props and the quad flew beautifully. These 7" props are killing me... I need to put some time in with the tune and I'll report back.

kwadkenstine   Jul 31, 2019 

Having tuning issues with one of my builds also.
There is stuff in the bf wiki to help with 7 inch to x class
will be giving it a go soon. Playing in the cli daunts me a bit.cut and paste skills need honing.

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