Xing Nano X2

By HK-AERIAL VTOL on Sep 18, 2019

10  390  4

These are my first Xing motors. I do think these things look gauche as all get out, and have in the past refrained from saying so (the big ones are very odd looking), but I see everyone using them (even Ryan L. on the ultralight ARX?), and so I didn't want my superior sense of taste and penchant for aesthetic qualities to keep me from experiencing what everyone seems to agree are very nice motors indeed. These are the brand spankin' new 1105 Xing Nano's and they are probably even nicer than the R3 1106 BrotherHobby that I have proclaimed as the absolute best micro motor (hard to compete with). The candy coated theme is a bit much as they are clearly modeled after very powerful mushrooms, but they are infinitely better than the XRotor micros I got last go-round (very last purchase from that company... ever).

I like the central stack mounted camera type of canopy, and always wanted to build on this frame, and its like $10, so why not? The opportunity presented itself and once again, I made it happen. Matek F411 guides a straight POS (HakRC) ESC to shoot the juice from a Venom 3S Graphene (if I can get Venom in there... I'm doin' it!). If you don't know: the Matek F411 makes the nicest micro stack (and 20MM hex?) build ever with any old DSHOT 600 ESC. XM+, cause I like two antennas. HQ 2x2.5 nail-clippered to fit (because I want it to be fast but still smooth).

Edit: This is all I've flown since first liftoff... It is too fast, and handles too well (of course... stock BF 3.5.7 FTW).




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Werdna FPV   Sep 20, 2019  

Looks really cute! Nice build

HK-AERIAL VTOL   Sep 20, 2019 

Thanks a lot! I gotta admit that the XING motors are very nice indeed and they have illicited me to order the 1206's for my 2.5" hex.

Igi87   Sep 19, 2019  

Nice dude!! :smile:

HK-AERIAL VTOL   Sep 19, 2019 

Thanks! Itsa REALLY little one. Now I go home to solder up the rest of my massive Shen hex (hope to fly this weekend)!

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