I liked my last 4" so much that I built another. Now with a more refined frame and canopy. It's 4.6 grams heavier but much sturdier in the mid section.
I don't have a radar gun but this feels as fast as my 5" with 2207s. Burst doesn't last as long obviously but it's as nimble as a 3".
Components are the same as last time except now I'm using the Diamond VTX for that sweet DVR.
I'll upload video later. It started snowing as soon as I went to fly it!
Update: I was getting some nice video of a snowy landscape yesterday... I clipped a snow drift and got snow on the cam but could still see so I kept flying. A minute later the quad lost power as I was nearing the shore and it took a tumble into the lake! :(
Update #2: I fished it out of the lake after a couple days, put it on the dehumidifier for 16 hours and dried it out. It still works! Well mostly. OSD is displaying 3cell voltage instead of 4. It's got some rust in it. Heard a spark a couple times when I plugged it in. I'm kinda sketched out about flying FPV until I open it up and check everything. Wires can rust and get brittle. Anyway video soon. Holidays are keeping me busy.
Update #3: I had to replace the FC. Video added.
Update #4: It's been 4 months and it still flies great, even with a little rust in the motors. I'm using jazzmaverick rpm filtering 48k and have gotten a few 12 minute flights. It's definitely faster than my (old and heavy) 5 inch, though cruising speed is lower. I'll be trying some new props soon and ditching the crappymodel vtx in place of a new one.
Frame |
Nano X4 frame by ChunderFPV
See Site |
Flight Controller |
BetaFPV Toothpick F4 V2 2-4S AIO Whoop Flight Controller w/ 20A 4in1 ESC - XT30
(24 builds)
$41.99 |
Motors |
4 x EMAX RS1408 3600Kv Micro Motor
(8 builds)
$51.96 |
Propellers |
HQ Prop Durable T4x2.5 Bi-Blade 4" Prop 4 Pack
(26 builds)
$2.99 |
FPV Camera |
RunCam Racer Nano
(16 builds)
$25.99 |
FPV Transmitter |
HappyModel Diamond 25x25 25-200mW 5.8GHz VTX w/DVR for Mobula7 - U.FLDefault Title
(5 builds)
$27.99 |
Antenna |
EMAX Nano 5.8GHz 50mm U.FL Antenna - LHCP
(20 builds)
$7.99 |
Receiver |
TBS Crossfire Nano Rx FPV Long Range Drone Receiver
(1502 builds)
$29.95 |
Batteries |
Tattu R-Line 850mAh 14.8V 95C 4S1P Lipo Battery Pack with XT60 Plug
(11 builds)
$19.99 |
AirbladeUAV has done it again and this time they've brought long range to the 5" class! Based on the popular Transformer Mini, the new Transformer 5" Ultralight adopts a lot of the same design philosophies with larger props and more payload capacity. It can fly upwards of 20 minutes on a 4 cell Li-Ion battery pack and in ideal conditions it's got a range of over 4 to 5 miles. In this guide I'll walk..
Read moreWith the release of the DJI FPV Drone cinematic FPV has become a lot more accessible, but you certainly don't want to crash a $750 drone! The QAV-CINE Freybott is a compact, lightweight cinematic FPV drone that can take a hit and keep going. It's a lot safer to fly indoors and around people. With a naked GoPro or the SMO 4k you can capture some great stabilized footage. In this guide I'll show you..
Read more
awesome, very nice!
i tought about use the 1306 from emax with this 4" props, but why not 1408 :-)
"burst doesnt last as long" - would the 6s version of the 1408 version change this? - would be intresting, if you probably will do a v3?
awaiting your dvr
thank you for share
I'd love to use the 6s motors but the FC only goes up to 4s.
thanks for the reply. i didnt mention about 6s and the tiny electronics :-(
there is a 16x16mm hglrc stack which can handle 13a and 6s, with a motor output limit it would probably work? but it wouldnt be as good as a aio board about building... cg...
Yeah I just saw that! The 6s 1408s might actually work with that, since the 6s variants don't require as many amps. See amp tables here: https://emaxmodel.com/rs1408.html Maybe I'll try it.