[FR360] FR7 + insta360 + 18650 + leds

By ACROBORG on Jan 21, 2020

52  2,998  11

Art, meet Science.
Science? meet Art.
Now that you've been acquainted, let me tell you about this thing.

I have two FR7 frames I built up at roughly the same time. One was to get the running gear from my previous mid-range machine, and continue to be my loved and protected primary #sender. This ain't that quad. This is the other one.

I was really impressed with the wide, stable stance of the FR7, with ample space and durability to just... add more crap? For the lols? For science? Originally it started out with a bunch of orphaned components from my parts bin. But over time it's gotten some fresh hardware, to the point that it's now a solid, trustworthy steed. I stuck neopixel strips running down each arm, with an Adafruit Trinket M0 microcontroller running the show. The FR7 being an open-source frame design, I took the original files and designed several new components for mounting a 360 camera as far forward, and below, the quad as practical.

And instead of explaining why that position is so darn awesome for a 360 camera, I'd rather just show ya. I can't wait for the weather to improve and the days to get longer, I've barely gotten started with this thing. So many uses and environments I want to explore! But for now, I've included a couple of my edited up park test flights below. Also a quick run around a new warehouse event space my buddy is building out.

Oh, and I've been making/flying these 18650 2p6s packs. 6000mah, good for about 18-25 minutes of easy-pace cinematic cruising. Yeah, she flies like a Cadillac SUV, but looking this good, and recording this nicely... I'm ok with it.

Posting this quad, I finally got enough youtube subscribers to get my own custom url. WOOT! Thanks so much! If you dig my flying robot shenanigans, do that bell clicking thing, feel free to ask whatever questions. Lets explore the potential of FPV ;)



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nguyentrungduc   Mar 14, 2021  

that's really amazing work! can you please share the landing gear file

sloth   Jan 29, 2020  

This is great, any chance you'll make the extra arms and insta holders available? Would love to try the same design.

zishorFPV   Jan 26, 2020  

Man this is stunning! And the packs damn they look great. Any chance you would share the prints for those? My 6s LiIon packs look SOOO sad 😂

ACROBORG   Jan 29, 2020 

Haven't decided if I'm sharing these 2p6s pack prints yet, they're an absolute pain to assemble. But I have some simpler pack prints I'll be sharing soon :)

oracle8   Jan 23, 2020  

which LEDs you are using?

DLQFPV (pothman)   Jan 22, 2020  

Sweet, very awesome.

Carlos Pelayo Mora Figuer   Jan 22, 2020  

donde lo puedo comprar? tanto como gracias.un cordial saludo.

KuriOSS   Jan 22, 2020  

It's so awesome! super great idea!

OptimaZe   Jan 21, 2020  

Footage looks great. Very cool build!

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