By kwadkenstine on Feb 06, 2020

15  488  7

Well what words would we want whoop worshipers , wistfully wondering what wonderful wolloowing wobbly whale world of wrongness to wisper.
Works weally well.
Ducts , why , what , how.
Why is easy . So you dont hurt stuff.
What. There are 2 choices . propper ducts with close fitting blades or vanes , or prop guards.
How , how they work . Folks have said and i have noticed , throttle controll on ducted quads seems stuck and a little tricky to modulate smoothly.Aside from the coander effect , ducted fans produce thrust by acceleraiting the air through the duct , Props on the other hand are better at just grabbing the air and effectively pushing against it .
This is how i think it works.
Chase quads = prop guards if anything.
Smooth steady slow = ducts.




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MUSTFLY   Feb 06, 2020  

Interesting! Can you show some fly vids?

kwadkenstine   Feb 06, 2020 

Will do on my yt over the week end sometime

kwadkenstine   Feb 07, 2020 

posted a quicki on kwadkenstine yt

kwadkenstine   Feb 07, 2020  

Short vid on you tube , my chanell my name,

Impavidus   Feb 06, 2020  

That's hilarious! Are these prints located somewhere?

kwadkenstine   Feb 06, 2020 

All on thingyverse. just one tip. re size the dcts so you dont have to trim the props.And use bullnose props for ducts . but only if you can make the prop to duct airgap under 1mm . otherwise it is best to use props with a big winglet thingy on the tip like you see on the tips of jumbo jet wings.

OptimaZe   Feb 06, 2020  

Love it!

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