TBS Source X DJI HD "Beast"

By NicolausFPV on Dec 09, 2020

21  1,431  6

This is my X-Class "Beast". I built it a year ago with analog technology. Back then I scrapped it because of VTX problems. Half a year ago I converted it to the DJi Fpv system. Building such a drone takes a lot of time and money. You have to learn to solder such thick cables before trying it on a $ 99 ESC.
I shortened the frame by 4 cm per arm because it just looked nicer and it is still huge. The frame is completely foiled. I designed a lot of print parts. I installed the Brain FPV Radix Fc because it is simply the best for such drones. But if you take the 12v from the APD PDB500 you often get OSD problems. In the video I still fly like that and it was the first flight after the conversion .. the pids weren't great either and the video doesn't show the potential of such a drone. Today the thing flies really well and I run the dji Air Unit with a separate 4s 850mah Lipo.
Such a drone is not suitable for everyone. With such a drone you can kill yourself or other people. So such a part has to be done with a lot of respect. When flying there are 1 meter drone with 12s, 50v and 500 amps in the air. With an insane speed and 4500 grams flight weight. So always fly with a spotter and think carefully about what you are doing. If you consider all of this, I can only say: Flying an X-class like this is the best I've flown so far. I was unable to include the motor link in the price calculation below. You then have to add 460 euros for four engines. Are currently available at Banggood in 360KV. Greets


Part List


TBS Source X (2 builds)

Flight Controller

radix fc - brainfpv (117 builds)


4 x 120F3[x] 12S 50V 120A


4 x GTS 1000 - G-SERIES - RC-IN-POWER Co.,Ltd
See Site


2 x GemFan 1310 Tri-Blade X Class Propellers (Set: 1 x CW, 1 x CCW)

FPV Transmitter

DJI Digital FPV Air Unit - Ultra Low Latency 720p 120FPS Digital HD


2 x Lumenier AXII 2 5.8GHz Long Range SMA Antenna - RHCP or LHCP (53 builds)


TBS Crossfire Nano Rx - FPV LONG RANGE DRONE RECEIVER (1501 builds)


2 x Turnigy Graphene Panther 4000mAh 6S 75C Battery Pack (2 builds)
See Site

Power Distribution

PDB500[x] 12S 52V 500A

3D Printed

Yellow, Flexible TPU Filament 1.75mm 0.8kg/1.76lb


TBS M8.2 GPS Glonass BLOWOUT (7 builds)

Misc Parts

2 x 7mm AS150 Anti Funken Selbst Isolier-Gold-Rundstecker (2 Paar)
See Site

Misc Parts

8 x Spare Aluminum Tube Clamp Pair (with screws/nuts) - Tasmanian

Misc Parts

4 x Spare Motor Pad (Tasmanian Frame) - backorders allowed

Misc Parts

Digital Urban Yellow Camouflage - Metro Wrap | Metro Restyling
See Site
Show stores (9)


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Chadillac07   Aug 10, 2022  

Great build sir! I am converting one now myself from analog to DJI. any chance you can share where you found the prints for the xt30 for the air unit. as well as gopro holder and gps. if they are your prints. can I pay you for the STL's by chance I did not see them on your Thingiverse profile or anywhere on Thingiverse for the source x with those prints.

Madcatmike3d   Apr 13, 2022  

I absolutely love that flight edit. Beautiful bird, great flying.

mattybluntz   Jan 31, 2021  

are your prints available on thingiverse?

slappyonefpv   Dec 10, 2020  

BEAST....look how tiny the GoPro looks on this thing?!?!?

NicolausFPV   Dec 10, 2020  

The Batterie Strap in the bck its for an extra Lipo for the DJi Unit to power it up. The 12 v from the PDB make often Problems and you have OSD problems. I asked Catalyst Maschineworks and they told me that they heard much time from that. The Idea with an extra Lipo comes from the nice guys of Catalyst. Its worked fine

Impavidus   Dec 09, 2020  

i have an idea as to why you have a battery strap towards the rear, but can you confirm what all of that is used for?

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