July 2021 Thoughts:
Looking to build as many 1s quads as possible. I only really fly my 75x anymore so it makes sense to me. Im not trying to make money filming anymore so just for fun is the main objective.
As of now Ive ordered the frame but nothing else. For about 30mins while ordering the frames I was going to rip apart my 75x build to make this happen, but after sitting with it for a little longer I decided that the 75x should stay complete and I should just start fresh. Especially since the tinkerer in me has decided I can improve on everything.
Aug 2 21 Update:
Ordered some parts. Ultimately decided to rebuild the 75x in 2 stages. First comes the frame swap, then when Ive built and figured out Express LRS on the two other 1s quads Im building Ill switch this one over to the build list below.
Aug 9 21 Update:
So the frame swap turned into a vtx swap as well. I went to a tbs pro32 nano 1.1 for right now on the TBS toothpick board with the nano rx soldered onto that board as well. Just running some random linear antenna that came with I think a flywoo goku vtx. Playing with the idea of trying one of those TBS PCB linear antenna or a ORT micro vee antenna.
WIth that parts order I plopped in 12 380mah 1s RDQ packs to run on this quad. I will post a picture on the scale of the AUW (42g) with those batteries. At the moment Ive been getting about 2-2:20min flights out of those 380mah packs.
I have some theories and will put them to the test later this week. But it entirely has to do with how I was running the battery rubber band. Before I was running it the same way im going to run it on the babytooth Im putting together, but with it wrapped that way it takes up so much surface area under the props. To the point where I would estimate that a quarter of each prop was blocked by the rubber band.
On the software side of things, I finally took the time to sit down and figure out my crossfire LQ/RSSI setup so its not flashing at me anymore in OSD. I also went from JazzMavericks 16.77 to BlueJay and plopped the Rick+Morty theme song into my start up noises. I am pleased.
Eitherway I need to fly this quad more and probably get in to tuning a bit since this still has the half ass tune from when it was 10g (25%) heavier.
Once I figure out Express LRS and go to the HappyModel board on this build Id hope to drop another 2-3g since Id be nixing two boards (pro32 nano with toothpick adapter and nano rx) as well as the micro tbs antenna. If I can get this little guy down to say 38g Id be stoked.
Also since switching over to this frame I switched to an xt30 connector so I had to figure out my charging situation as well. So far this mod to the BetaFPV charging board has been working out mint Still kinda anxious about this setup, so Ill probably go back and put some potting epoxy or liquid electrical tape on the solder joints to ease my anxiety.
Frame |
TKS 1s Rocket freestyle 75mm 1.5mm & 2mm carbon
(5 builds)
$14.00 |
Flight Controller |
Happymodel ExpressLRS ELRS 2G4 F4 Whoop AIO Flight Controller
(10 builds)
$78.99 |
Motors |
1102 Brushless Motors
(10 builds)
$39.99 |
Propellers |
4 Pairs Gemfan 1636 1.6x3.6x4 40mm 4-blade 1mm Hole Propeller for 1103 1105 RC Drone FPV Racing Brushless Motor
(5 builds)
$9.99 |
FPV Camera |
Foxeer Pico Razer 1200TVL 12*12mm FPV Camera - NTSC
(2 builds)
$22.90 |
Batteries |
10 Pack RDQ Series 3.8V 1S 380mAh 1S 60C LiHV Whoop/Micro Battery - PH2.0
$44.90 |
Misc Parts |
BeeBrain V2 Camera Color Mount
(7 builds)
$2.99 |
AirbladeUAV has done it again and this time they've brought long range to the 5" class! Based on the popular Transformer Mini, the new Transformer 5" Ultralight adopts a lot of the same design philosophies with larger props and more payload capacity. It can fly upwards of 20 minutes on a 4 cell Li-Ion battery pack and in ideal conditions it's got a range of over 4 to 5 miles. In this guide I'll walk..
Read moreWith the release of the DJI FPV Drone cinematic FPV has become a lot more accessible, but you certainly don't want to crash a $750 drone! The QAV-CINE Freybott is a compact, lightweight cinematic FPV drone that can take a hit and keep going. It's a lot safer to fly indoors and around people. With a naked GoPro or the SMO 4k you can capture some great stabilized footage. In this guide I'll show you..
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