FPVcycle Toothfairy 2 big motor 5 inch build

By GeKo_FPV on Jun 17, 2022

26  668  1

The idea was to build a high power 4s 5 inch drone for easily carrying GoPro Bones or DJI Action 2. I was aiming for 500g AUW (including action cam and battery) with biggest possible motors on this 12x12mm mounting platform. I think this succeeded ! The control level of this drone is superb, stock BF4.3 tune and it flies so smooth that it helps me get better at unstabilized freestyle a lot.

The motors are the non-unibell 23mm tall motors from FPVcycle in 2330KV.

Flight time with a 4s 1300 mah pack is 4 minutes 30 sec if you really give it the beans in freestyle. Can cruise for 8 minutes otherwise. I have not tried 6s, but I dont know if I would see any real benefit, as even on this build with gemfan F3s I almost never hit 100% throttle.

The 5mm arms make this build super solid, almost no flex in the arms (compared to fouride frame for instance, which is quite bendy). One compromise I feel this build has over a standard beefy 750g 6s 5 inch is durability - for flying over concrete. I doubt the arms will take many hits before delaminating at the ends.

Check out my freestyle edit with this setup!:



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AngleAcquired   Jul 02, 2022  

sick build! Hella dig the nude props with the white motors, fresh as a muggg

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