2S BabyTooth with AmaxInno 13 mm

By akomives on Aug 05, 2022

11  389  0

I have explored the 1S BabyTooth builds and love them. For the enjoyment of more raw power I have thought to build a 2S variant even. For this usually the TP3 is recommended, I have even some TP3 frames lying around just to be on the safe side. However I like the simplicity of the BabyTooth frame, so I have tried this build on the medium thickness variant of it, which is 2 mm. You have 1,5 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm in the spectrum.

For the motors I have opted for the no longer available AmaxInno 13 mm motors. They are allegedly very fragile, which I could immediately test on the first test of the quad. Have crashed it into the ceiling lamp indoors and one motor has died on place (phase to phase short circuit with increased resistance on rotation). Fortunately I have purchased 7 of them, so I have 2 pieces left for spares. The links no longer work, I could only find a link for the 5000 kv, while I have the 2S 7500 kv version.

I have been going through a lot of different cameras before I have understood that I like the most the racing style cameras. They provide me with best visibility and the picture quality (or rendering) reminds me of old PC DOS computer games, so it is a trip down memory lane, while I can see where I am flying. The camera is a special edition MCK variant of the RunCam Racer 3 Nano. Looks nice with the white camera body, the latency is quite low. Like it a lot.

This time there hasn't been any viable AIO option available at FPV Cycle so I have opted for an AIO board that I could purchase from the EU. Works like a charm, although it is far heavier than a "cross-like" whoop board. But I have beefier FET's.

Dry weight is approximately 62 grams.



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