7" Apex

By JazzXP on Nov 30, 2022

6  416  3

I've been wanting to play with 7" for quite a while, but wasn't sure if I wanted something fast and freestyle, or a long range. So this is a bit of a hybrid of both.

I couldn't decide on a frame, so decided to give the Apex a try, unfortunately there wasn't enough space in the back to fit a TBS Unify Pro 32 HV, so I had to drop back to a Tramp, I may put something different in there in the future (Maybe a Rush Mini).

Motors were easy, the Emax 2807 were the only ones available at a decent price near me. Stack is the Diatone Mamba F7 App Mk4, and I can say that so far I'm a very big fan, large pads for soldering, and a very good layout with the camera input at the front, and vtx output at the back. Being able to turn the VTX on and off via a controller switch is a big plus too (for while the GPS gets signals).

Originally I was looking for a battery in the 2000mAh - 3000mAh range, but couldn't find anything appropriate, so went with this Dogcom 1850mAh which turns out to be perfect. Any larger wouldn't fit, and this has plenty of flight time. One day I'll try a LiIon pack too.

Dry Weight: 530g
plus Battery: 825g
plus GoPro: 995g

Part List


Apex 7" Arm Set - (4 Pack)


Apex FPV Frame (4 builds)
See Site

Flight Controller

Diatone MAMBA MK4 F722 APP Flight Controller - 30x30mm (5 builds)


Diatone MAMBA F55_128K BL32 4in1 ESC 55A 6S (10 builds)


4 x EMAX ECO II Series 2807 1300Kv Motor (5 builds)


4 x Gemfan LR 7035 7
See Site


4 x HQProp 7X4X3 Light Grey (2CW+2CCW)-Poly Carbonate (7 builds)

FPV Camera

Foxeer T-Rex Mini FPV Camera 1500TVL Low Latency Super WDR Red (4 builds)
See Site

FPV Transmitter

ImmersionRC Tramp HV 5.8GHz 48CH Raceband 1mW to>600mW Video FPV Transmitter International Version for RC Racing Drone (4 builds)


Flywoo ATOMIC 5.8GHz RHCP FPV Antenna For Analog FPV (5 builds)


TBS Crossfire Nano Rx - FPV LONG RANGE DRONE RECEIVER (1502 builds)


Dogcom 100C 6S 1850mAh 22.2V LiPo Battery - MantisFPV


Fatshark HDO OLED FPV Goggles 960x720 HDMI-In 1080p
See Site

HD Camera

HERO9 Black 5K Video 20MP Streaming Camera & Bundles | GoPro (7 builds)
See Site

Misc Parts

Matek M10Q-5883 GPS COMPASS Module
See Site

Video Receiver

ImmersionRC RapidFIRE w/ Analog PLUS Goggle FPV Receiver Diversity Module (13 builds)

Radio Module

TBS Crossfire Micro TX V2 (154 builds)
Show stores (11)


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jesus_crisp   Feb 07, 2023  

What is the flight time? I wanna do something like this but I want to make sure it has enough range to do some mountain surfing

JazzXP   Feb 07, 2023 

With the bi-blades, about 12-15 mins of just cruising time, with tri-blades (7x4x3) around 5-6. If you used a lighter action cam, you'd get a lot more though.

jesus_crisp   Feb 08, 2023 

I think u could get more flight time by using a 2806.5 motor instead of a 2807 motor, altough i do see your predicament due to budget and location restrictions. It does work though, due to the reduced weight of the 1850mah pack

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