Touring 122 HDZero 90 FPS

By quad66 on Jun 27, 2023

38  267  5

Touring 122

The Touring 122 is a frame and canopy system designed to carry the HDZero Nano 90 camera with the upgraded 1.8 mm HDZ3301 lens. The focus of this frame is a balance between performance and quality of life refinement. To this end, the canopy features a one of a kind quick release system. Loosening just 1 screw allows removal of the canopy and gives full unobstructed access to the flight controller and VTX. The frame also features functional cross bracing so that standard battery straps can be used to secure the battery. Like the WarPig 122 the frame, the Touring 122 intended for 1203 - 1204/1303 2-3 S builds with 3 inch props. The 122 mm size is the minimal wheelbase that will keep the air clean under/around the props, which maximizes both agility and efficiency. In the 4 mm thickness, the frame should be tolerant of fairly noisy builds. Clean lower power builds can save a little weight with the 3 mm thickness.

My build:

I developed this build specifically to carry the HDZero Nano 90 FPS camera with the upgraded M8 lens in small flyimg spaces. I found that the 13mm in the 6350 kv on 2S with the Gemfan 3020 props gave me the low end throttle curve I needed while maintaining descent flight time and punchout. For larger spaces I would go with the extra power of the RCinpower 1204 5000kv on 3S.

One thing to keep in mind with this build is that everything fits like glove. In particular, the stack needs to be kept reasonably low as room is tight behind the camera.



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miajackson1117   Dec 16, 2024  

Many people are curious about how to get 100% on love tester. Some versions allow players to try multiple times until they get the desired result. However, since the results are random, getting 100% is just a matter of luck or "tricks" if that version has a rule.

Benjo13   Aug 01, 2024  

I'm interested in copying this build but I'm concerned that its a unibody. I feel like I would prefer if it had detachable arms in case I crash badly and break one. Do you have any thoughts on this? I'm a novice and I've never built a quad before but I have the Whoop Lite and Nano 90 so this seems like the perfect build to copy. I just dont know about a unibody frame....

Madremae   Jan 05, 2024  

I love it. I built myself one almost exactly the same.

Jodie Froster   Aug 18, 2023  
valek   Jul 23, 2023  

Huge FPVcycle fan myself. I love that full carbon toothpick frame you're using. I want one now.

beckobeck123   Jun 28, 2023  

woah i love the design! will definitely consider getting one in the future

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