AOS 3.5" + Thumb Pro V2

By elzaepp on Sep 20, 2023

4  0  3
  • The AOS 3.5" is a great frame, easy to tune, build and maintain!
  • About 292 grams AUW with a CNHL Ministar 4s 650mah (I don't care about sub250 anymore, because regulations changed in Germany recently)
  • The flight time is about 3 minutes with a CNHL Ministar 4s 650mah
  • The IFlight XING 1504 (3900KV) is a little nervous on the lower end (48 KHz PWM helps), but I like the T-Motor P1604 (3800kv) better, these give also more flight time
  • Props: GemFan 3520 is the way to go here!
  • Betaflight 4.4 + Chris Rossers AOS 3.5 PID/Filter Preset + bi-directional dshot + D min/max and Feed Forward disabled
  • No props in view, no visible jello with the GemFan 3520
  • I switched to Walksnail Avatar, had some trouble with frame-drops/freezes, but solved it with a bigger cap (1.000µF, 35V) and disabling VTX onboard-recording
  • Also, mounting the FC/ESC in the aft-section avoids routing the MIPI-cable over the ESC, which helps with frame-drops/freezes
  • The included silicone-parts for mounting the FPV-cam caused jello in my FPV-feed, I printed those from TPU, no problem since
  • The RunCam Thumb Pro V2 is an acceptable solution for HD-ish footage in a small, lightweight and affordable package
  • GyroFlow produces, with a bit of tinkering, halfway good results with 4K@30fps_xview (widest, possible FOV), other resolutions caused too much zooming


Part List


AOS 3.5 v2 (14 builds)

Flight Controller

iFlight SucceX-E Mini F4 + 35 A stack (36 builds)


4 x iFlight Xing2 1404 3800KV Motor (19 builds)


Gemfan Hurricane 3520 Durable Tri-Blade 3.5" Propeller (2CW+2CCW) - Choose Your ColorYellow (55 builds)

FPV Camera

Walksnail Avatar HD Camera V2 (4 builds)
See Site

FPV Transmitter

Walksnail Avatar HD Kit V2 (3 builds)
See Site


TBS Crossfire Nano Rx FPV Long Range Drone Receiver (1502 builds)


[Kombi] 2 Packungen CNHL MiniStar 650 mAh 14,8 V 4S 70C Lipo-Akku mit XT30U (6 builds)

Misc Parts

RunCam Thumb Pro W (8 builds)
Show stores (6)


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MegaS   Nov 11, 2023  

So im building a Sub250 right now and living in Germany? Can you tell changed regulations? In my opinion

elzaepp   Nov 12, 2023 
1 AFAIK in Germany, as long as you are member of DMFV or MFSD, you can fly FPV up to 1kg AUW, up to 30 meters high. No "spotter" needed.

MegaS   Nov 12, 2023 

Okay danke dir :) aber trotzdem muss man noch 150m von Personen und Gebäuden entfernt sein oder? Also ab 250g Kategorie A3

Jodie Froster   Sep 25, 2023  

how do you think this build would do with a 6s liion pack on it? im wanting to build a medium range mountain surfer

elzaepp   Sep 26, 2023 

For 6s mid-range I'd recommend the T-Motor P1604 (2850kv), those are pretty efficient in my experience. Also probably bi-bladed props. Happy flying!

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