Meteor75 Pro 2S naked Vista

By macrokernel on Oct 09, 2023

17  0  6

Here is my custom Meteor75 Pro 2S build with naked DJI Vista and Caddx Polar Nano camera. It weighs 41.8 grams without a battery and 67.8 grams with GNB 2S HV 450 mAh. Relaxed flight time indoors is 6 minutes 40 seconds down to 3.3 Volts per cell.


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I needed a lightweight HD whoop for indoors flying and I did not want to spend on HDZero or Walksnail goggles as I already have some DJI gear. I made a research considering some 75 mm to 80 mm bind and fly drones like GepRC Thinking P16 3S, Flywoo Firefly Nano Baby 2S, HappyModel Mobula 8 HD 2S and BetaFPV Pavo Pico 2S. I already owned the first and the last of the list and neither of them felt sufficiently agile to fly comfortably at home even with a naked Vista. So I decided to build a custom HD whoop with 45mm props based on the lightest frame I could find - Meteor75 Pro, which is actually a 80 mm wheelbase frame. I went for 45mm props as they are more efficient than smaller props, which I think is important when carrying a heavy HD VTX. As a bonus the frame and canopy come in a few jolly colours.

Build Hints

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Stripping down the Vista turned out to be pretty easy. Just watch a video on YoutTube, get a toothbrush, alcohol and be careful when separating the parts to not damage the ribbon cable. I also recommend to temporary cover all connectors with electrical tape while removing thermal grease.

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Naked Vista VTX plates are separated with 3mm spacers made by cutting off a ballpoint pen refill. Canopy is secured to the frame with 16mm M1.4 self-tapping screws purchased at AliExpress, as the screws coming with the canopy or the FC are just too short for the Vista. I am slightly concerned about ripping the canopy off the frame due to the weight and tallness added by Vista, as the self tapping screws might not hold too well in the plastic frame after multiple crashes. That's why I used shorter rubber grommets from an iFlight 20x20 flight controller, as HappyModel grommets turned out unexpectedly long.

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Motors plugs are cut off along with about 10mm of wires and soldered directly to the ESC to save some weight. AWG 22 wires are sufficient to handle the current draw, the wires stay cool during the flight. Power wires are additionally secured to the frame with a thread to avoid ripping solder pads off the FC. XT30 connector terminals are insulated with a few drops of black T7000 glue.

Every electronic part is waterproofed with B7000 glue. While applying the glue do not coat large chips to allow better cooling. Do not apply glue to camera cable plugs, as this can make them non-removable. Waterproof everything but the solder pads first, solder wires, then coat solder joints.

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Photo at the right is a comparison with BetaFPV Pavo Pico, which is the same size and has similar specs, but is a bit heavier. Custom Meteor75 Pro is much easier to handle indoors, especially in regard of altitude control. I have not flown it outside yet, cannot tell anything about jello issues or wind handling. I copied PID configuration from Pavo Pico, though the quad was flying well even with the stock BetaFlight PIDs.

Update 2023.10.23

Yes, there is jello, and I am going to to try to improve this issue by better vibration dampening.

Update 2023.10.30

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I made two small holes in the front crossbars of the frame to let ExpressLRS antenna through the frame for better reception. While perfectly sufficient at home, outdoor performance was slightly limited by the RX antenna being too close to the FC, and I was getting low signal warnings at a certain range and angle.
Flipped over the rubber grommets to make FC sit on the shorter side of the grommets and let Vista sit on the longer side. Installed M2 rubber washers, which came with the canopy, on top of the VTX. All this to improve camera vibration dampening.
Upgraded camera to Caddx Nebula Pro Nano with back cover removed, which increased the whoop weight by 0.2 grams. Replaced camera cable with a shorter 8cm one - the old one was 12cm - this saved 0.2 grams.
Replaced 8 original HappyModel M1.4 4mm steel motor screws with Titanium M1.4 3mm flat head screws, which saved another 0.3 grams.
I am thinking of whether I should replace VTX dipole antenna with a whip antenna to save 0.2 - 0.3 grams and desolder Vista USB connector to shave off 1 gram.

Part List

  • BetaFPV Meteor75 Pro Brushless Whoop Frame
  • BetaFPV Micro Camera Canopy Lite
  • HappyModel SuperX HD ELRS 1-2S AIO 12A
  • HappyModel EX1102 13500 KV motors
  • Gemfan 45mm 3-Blade props
  • DJI/Caddx Vista VTX
  • Caddx Polar Nano camera
  • 2 x M2 2mm screws for the camera
  • 4 x M1.4 16mm self-tapping screws
  • 4 x FC rubber grommets
  • XT30 connector
  • 22 AWG wires
  • B7000 glue
  • T7000 glue




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vinverify01   Feb 06, 2025  

Looks nice

macrokernel   Feb 07, 2025 

Thanks ;)

mariobeans   Dec 08, 2024  

hey i have a similar build using superX HD walksnail VTX and rcinpower 1002 19000kv motors. I just cant seem to tune the damn thing. Could you share your CLI dump please. Id like to maybe tune off yours

macrokernel   Feb 06, 2025 

Hi, I know it may be too late to reply, but I am too lazy to connect the whoop to the PC, so I found a config backup on the computer:


set vbat_sag_compensation = 100
set crash_recovery = ON
set p_pitch = 56
set i_pitch = 70
set d_pitch = 59
set p_roll = 53
set i_roll = 67
set d_roll = 45
set p_yaw = 53
set i_yaw = 67
set d_min_roll = 43
set d_min_pitch = 56
set thrust_linear = 20
set feedforward_averaging = 2_POINT
set feedforward_smooth_factor = 45
set feedforward_jitter_factor = 8
set dyn_idle_min_rpm = 55
set simplified_i_gain = 70
set simplified_d_gain = 145
set simplified_pi_gain = 120
set simplified_dmax_gain = 15
set simplified_pitch_d_gain = 115
set tpa_rate = 66


set thr_mid = 37
set thr_expo = 75
set roll_rc_rate = 5
set pitch_rc_rate = 5
set roll_expo = 70
set pitch_expo = 70
set roll_srate = 45
set pitch_srate = 45

airrage   Oct 22, 2023  

Nice build! Did you manage to find other other props than the 45mm ones from betafpv. I tore this build down after the fc gave up and transformed it back to the og mob7. Better power and more props to choose from.

macrokernel   Oct 23, 2023 

Thanks! I am using Gemfan 45mm 3-blade props, they are mostly the same as the ones from BetaFPV. I've also seen 1.8" 3-blades from Iflight Defender 16 1809 props on AliExpress, but I've heard they are poorly balanced and produce more vibrations than GF.

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