FlyLens85 O3 Lite - 72g

By wrong17 on Jan 13, 2024

4  0  2

The goal for my build is to keep it light. The first thing I did was de-cased the DJI O3 airunit with the Flywoo kit. The next thing was to remove the LED lights (3 grams) from the props guards because it does not do anything other than make it look pretty.

I have had this for a while now (Oct 2023) and it is difficult to choose between the Pavo 20 and this because there are 2 different quads that both have their strengths and weaknesses. To make a long story short, if you want to do more freestyle flying then this is the quad to get. But if you want longer flight time and better efficiency, then the Pavo20 would be the best bet.

My major pet peeve with this quad is the battery mount. I like the idea of the twist off 3D printed battery holder but that is also annoying that you will need to have different size mount on hand if you fly with different size lipos. In my case, I have many different size and brand lipos that I fly with on the same quad. So, it is annoying that I need to keep switching battery mounts.

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So far, I am not impressed with the plastic used on this frame because I have broken both the prop guard and bottom cage. I am currently still using it because it is still usable. I also bent the aluminum top plate when I had to kill it mid flight because the FC freaked out with the lipo was too small for the batter mount and it was oscillating. It dropped from 10 feet in the air and hit the hard ground. Obviously, that is my fault but that is something worth mentioning. At the time when the quad was first released, they did not offer the foam landing pads as you see in the picture. But I have them now and it may help with landing, so there is less stress on the bottom cage.

Flight times

These are my max flight times while flying outdoor and crusing around.

Gaoneng GNB 2S 720MAH 100C HV Li-Po - 5 minutes
Flywoo Explorer 1000mAh HV 2S 80C LiPo Battery - 7 Mintutes


7 min Max flight time with 1000mAh 2s - 03 HD w/ GyroFLow

DVR of the same flight as above (7 min flight)

Test flight - GNB 720mah 2s lipo


Part List


FlyLens 85 2S Drone Kit Brushless Whoop V1.3

FPV Camera

DJI O3 Air Unit (89 builds)


NewBeeDrone Compatible DJI O3 Coaxial Cable

Misc Parts

Flywoo Naked O3 Air Unit Conversion Kit
Show stores (4)


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Carioca_fpv   Apr 24, 2024  

we have the Mosquito and fly amazing!

Pennywise   Jan 15, 2024  

Nice! Looks real good, and seems like it flies well.

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