OddityRC xi20 Pro (BNF)

By le_ti_lik on May 30, 2024

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This is my BNF OddityRC xi20 o3 version. It's the best out of the box sub250 o3 2" out there.

The quad is designed around two things: Performance and durability.

Sporting the Spinnybois 1205-5500kv motors (designed specifically for this frame) it has an insane power to weight ratio. What makes this drone unique is the ducts act as actual ducts, not just prop guards, which increases efficency and lowers noise levels.

Unlike most whoops in this size and price range, the xi20 comes with an insane tune on it. Every time you take the goggles off after the flight you'll be surprised that you're flying a 2". Coming in at 140g dry weight it's a little on the heavy side for a 2" but you do not feel it all. And it's still easy to stay sub 250g.

I've recently heard someone describe it as follows:

It's like a whoop, but it's not. It's a 4s "whoop". Not as intimidating, can fly it anywhere type whoop. Not like a cinewhoop.

With the beforementioned power to weight ratio, this description is spot on.

As for flight times, a 4s 650mah gets you about 3-4 minutes of cruise, while a 4s 850mah can easily go for 5 minutes maybe even 6 minutes depending on your throttle control.

But if the talk doesn't cut it, here's the flight footage. And if you don't trust me and want a more in depth look at it, take a look at renowned micro reviewer Nick Burn's video.

And the best part? The price. The BNF O3 PNP version runs you only $340 if you use discount code LE_TI_LIK.

They are also available in Analog and no-vtx versions so you can put in your own system of choice.

I use it either for fun flying when I feel like exploring tree canopies or for live streaming events (when it comes to work).


Part List


XI20 Pro Frame Kit (2 builds)

Flight Controller

F7 40A AIO 4~6S (2 builds)


4 x Spinnybois-1205 5500KV Motor


D51-5 Cinewhoop Props (2")

FPV Transmitter

DJI O3 AIR UNIT (5 builds)


TBS Crossfire Nano Rx - FPV LONG RANGE DRONE RECEIVER (1502 builds)
Show stores (2)


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AmyWalker   5 days ago  

I am impressed with the outstanding performance and durable design like geometry vibes.

wind_rapport   Jun 04, 2024  

It does fly unbelievably smooth. Currently my favorite 03 2" cinewhoop https://youtu.be/MvB6sW7BQY8?t=59

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