I saw this video (not mine):
As well as the darwin fold ape, and decided that not only did I not have an endurance quad, but I also had to carry my 5" everywhere if I wanted any hope of quality video recording. I was given these motos for free and they matched the sizes used on these 4" LR builds. I figured I would give it a shot just for the fun of an endurance quad, and if I was lucky the quad would also carry a GoPro.Then I started thinking... I have the habit of tossing my micros in my back to go fly, and then bringing my 5" even if I don't intend to fly it. I tell myself, what if I find a cool spot to get video? All I have to do is bring this quad and I already have all my gear... Well, it always winds up being more of a pain, but I can't convince myself to not bring it. The idea was this would fold up tiny and fit into my backpack (as opposed to strapping the 5" to the back) and let me go fly my micros without worrying about needing my big 5" to get GoPro video with if I find a cool spot. I get some weird looks having a drone strapped to my back while riding an electric skateboard, and the 5" has to be taken off before I can open the bag so it's annoying, and then I usually don't even fly it.
TLDR: This would replace my 5" that I impulsively carry just in case I want to record GoPro video.
I was also hoping to reuse all the 1200mah 6s batteries I have. It does fly on them, but the motors get worryingly hot so I decided not to trust it. I'll be running it on 4s with a gopro and maybe 3s without one. I severely need to work on the PID tune, but it has plenty of power for what it is. It weights 180g dry, including the gopro mount but not including the large bolt for it. The Pro 32 DP VTX is 3w as opposed to the 1w normal pro 32, but so far I haven't actually noticed a difference in penetration, flying my 5" (https://rotorbuilds.com/build/33837) in the same locations. I haven't had the chance to test its max LOS range.
I always have issues with things connected to the top plate making the top plate hard to remove. In this build, I specifically only attached the buzzer and gps to the top plate, both of which have connectors on them.
I designed the 3d printed gopro, fpv cam, and rx antenna mount. If you want the files, reply to the post and I'll upload them.
UPDATE 1/19/2025: One of the motors appears to have toasted for no apparent reason, my best guess is the PIDs don't like having a GoPro on it. Back to the drawing board for that. I think I'll buy some 1604's.
UPDATE 2/25/2025: So much torque, the chassis twisted coming off the line...
So uh, turns out if you punch it, the torque from the motors will actually fold the frame. You can assume how that turned out. Excuse me while I buy another motor and frame. In the meantime let me know if you have any ounce of an idea how to tune one of these with a Go-Pro on it.
AirbladeUAV has done it again and this time they've brought long range to the 5" class! Based on the popular Transformer Mini, the new Transformer 5" Ultralight adopts a lot of the same design philosophies with larger props and more payload capacity. It can fly upwards of 20 minutes on a 4 cell Li-Ion battery pack and in ideal conditions it's got a range of over 4 to 5 miles. In this guide I'll walk..
Read moreWith the release of the DJI FPV Drone cinematic FPV has become a lot more accessible, but you certainly don't want to crash a $750 drone! The QAV-CINE Freybott is a compact, lightweight cinematic FPV drone that can take a hit and keep going. It's a lot safer to fly indoors and around people. With a naked GoPro or the SMO 4k you can capture some great stabilized footage. In this guide I'll show you..
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