ultra light 65mm - 14g

By AymericP on Dec 18, 2024

3  0  0

it's lighter than angry don's (I am very proud of it)
I just wanted to make this post in the hopes more people would build utlra light 65mm are they are awesome quads, and also to hopefully make people less intimidated by it, or for people who say "ultralight quads suck, who gives a shit about weight" to actually try an ultra light quad instead of some 28g 65mm that uses some 0803 for "prop control"
parts list ;
nbd liteaf
happymodel 0702 28,000kv
hq ul 31mmx3 1.2x0.9x3
betafpv air aio 4in1
betafpv lite rx

and it's not a hard build and dang it does it fly well, just a couple notes on where to save weight,

  • don't use aluminium screws, titanium screws are fine, but you would ideally want some reny screws (please don't buy peek screws, peek is butter, reny is strong) it will save a good .5g easily
  • for the canopy, don't use fold canopies or those bulky bubble canopies like the og mob6 canopy, it's just extra weight for nothing, you will want a canopy like the tinywhoop pp mount, if you are following at home with the same parts, go download my super awesome c03 canopy https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6878350, if you aren't and bought a pinch (good, it's a better camera) then buy some pp canopies from tinywhoops, if you have a beeeye (well first you have a bad taste of camera) use this one instead https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6713822, if you have an ant lite, well, get a betafpv air canopy I guess, the three canopies before do expose the camera, but it's really not an issue as the quad is so light, you won't have enough energy in your crashes to break the camera
  • for the wires, you will want to buy some .3mm enameled wire (.25mm works great too) and use it for the motor wires and use some for the receiver too, and for the love of god, do not use enameled for the camera wires, you will regret it, it will break all the time
  • quick note on the aio, don't get the 5in1, it will be about .2g+one screw heavier than the 4in1 and receiver, also, if you wanted to really go light, you could go with the newbeedrone rs v3.1 and remove the usb and have a 2.9g aio, but I decided against it cause i'm 25mw aint much and I would like to go behind two trees and still have video, but also because it runs a weird fork of betaflight, but it would be a whole .5-.6g lighter than this
  • for the motors, you could also go with some betafpv se0702 23kkv, but besides the lower kv (since happymodel decided to be a special snowflake and measures volts per rpm instead of rpm per volts, the 23kkv betafpv motors are 25kkv in happymodel world) they have a terrible efficiency, and happymodel makes really efficient motors, but they are .3g lighter on the whole quad than hm's motors, so it would be quite a good place to save additional weight if you felt like it, and you can still make the motors lighter, about .5g lighter in total, just shorten the shafts, grab some snips and cut them a bit more than halfway down, it will decrease the weight substantially and it still holds the props just fine, in fact for the funnies I tried to see how short I could trim a shaft and still have the prop hold, answer is, about 2mm, and a shaft is normally 1cm long, so 80% of the shaft is officially useless
  • for the antenna, use the terribly heavy dipole betafpv includes with the fc, remove the heatshrink, grab the metal sleeving with your fire proof fingers (use pliers or something similar), melt the sodler ball at the top, slide it off, and voila, you now have a lighter monopole
  • quick note on the rx, you could save .1g by just going with an ep2 instead, but I already had the lite rx on hand, and to mount it, just use a bit of thin double sided vhb tape or e6000 and glue it to underneath the aio
  • as a quick note on the wires, many people use teflon wires, it works, but enameled is lighter and I find it nicer to use, so I would recommend that
  • for the pigtail, the included one is just fine, in fact betafpv's wires are great as they use thinner than normal insulation so they are quite light too, but if you want to save more weight, you can diy your own cable with 3 strands of enameled per pin, and it will be lighter and work just fine, I didn't cause I ran out of enameled
  • finally, nothing to do with weight this time, just about prop selection, the only props you should really care about for a light 65mm is the 1208s/1219s/ul 31mmx3 1.1/ul 31mmx3 .9, personally i'm a big fan of the ul .9, it's awesome, the grip it gives is unlike any of the others, the feel is great, but feel free to try the 3 others as well, especially the ul 1.1, it's great too, it just has a bit less grip but more thrust, i'm not a big fan of the 1208s and 1219s, but some people like them a lot, the 1219s is especially loved by racers, but i'm not one, and I can feel the slower response of those props, so for me, the .9 is the nicest

and yeah that's it

now that you have an awesome whoop, go listen to vengaboys while flying

Part List


Meteor65 Air Brushless Whoop Frame (2 builds)

Flight Controller

Air Brushless Flight Controller (7 builds)


4 x Moteur Brushless SE0702 - 28000KV - Happymodel (2 builds)
See Site


Hélices Ultralight 1.2x0.9x3 - 1mm (2CW+2CCW) - HQProp
See Site

FPV Camera

Caméra FPV Micro C03 - BetaFPV (2 builds)
See Site


Batterie LiHV LAVA 1S 260mAh 80C (5pcs) - BetaFPV
See Site

3D Printed

ultralight c03 mount by AymericPachod
See Site

Misc Parts

Reinforced Nylon Lightweight Replacement Screw Set (RENY) (6 builds)
Show stores (4)


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