Pusher 45mm Micro Whoop

By JasonFPV0 on Jan 11, 2025

16  0  12

Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Frame File: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6908198/files

Through a set of abhorrent design choices and mistakes, the quad is now running on two 0603s and two 0802s. Don't ask. Oh and the usb port disappeared. I haven't even had this aio out of the box for a full 12 hours yet.

18.2g Dry

I lowered a few values on Chris Rosser's AOS tune preset and the tune actually feels pretty good all things considered.

Is it cool? Yes.
Do I recommend it? No. Fairly short flight times and very poor accelleration despite pretty good top speed.

Yes its a pusher. Yes it takes off from its propellers. Yes it's a little bit of a pain.
I did it that way because I've heard you lose a lot more power obstructing the high pressure zone under the prop than the low pressure zone above it. When it stops snowing I'm going to test it's huckability outside. Because of the lack of ducts, I think this is going to be more of an outside quad.


Part List


45mm Pusher Frame F3D File by JasonFPV
See Site

Flight Controller

BetaFPV Air Brushless Flight Controller 5-in-1 AIO ELRS 2.4G 400mw VTX (3 builds)


4 x HappyModel SE 0802 19000Kv Micro Motor
Show stores (3)


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LowDash   Feb 09, 2025  

This thing is an abomination and I think it's great. What a mess.

ObSpecFPV   20 days ago 

I would have to agree. I have so many I've tinkered with that have come out well. It's fun. Keep doing what you do!!

JasonFPV0   19 days ago 

This sums all too many of the things I've built. Thanks lmao

Tokyo_Dom   Jan 21, 2025  

Prop obstruction is going to be an issue no matter which way you do it at this size. My little 46mm quad actually has as little as possible but its still less efficient than a regular 65mm whoop.

As for aerodynamics, its actually the other way around, at least that is the info i can find online. Air under the prop is dirty already so obstructing it more wont have as much of an effect as obstructing it on the "clean" side. But it should be fairly easy to confirm this on your build, just check the hover current, flip the props and remap motors/flip gyro in betaflight and check the hover current flying the other way around (my quad doesnt run bluejay, or have a current meter...) . You can just hover it LOS because the camera will be upside down lol

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Tokyo_Dom   Jan 26, 2025 

Yeah we always think of props as "pushing" us forward, but it is "sucking" just as much as it is pushing. Thats why it can still punch out in the middle of the air where there is nothing to push against. Then, aerodynamically, the props are not just angled screws, they are also airfoils which work the same as any wing, generating lift via the greater distance that the air travels on the top of the blade. But that air will only do that if its clean (not turbulenced). And thats where keeping the air in front of the prop as clean as possible leads to efficiency gains. Or thats what the theory says, and how it works for larger props (airplanes).

But i did actually try flipping one of my whoops, and saw lower hover current.... This sort of throws my understanding on its head... Pun somewhat intended.

Tokyo_Dom   Jan 26, 2025 

I do love how yours looks like a tiny little brick though :grinning:

JasonFPV0   Jan 26, 2025 

Haha thanks. It's definitely goofy lookin.

Maxwell Colorado Springs   Jan 21, 2025  

Could you recove parts of the frame to remove the obstruction of the fans?

shankenwhoop   Jan 14, 2025  

I've been designing something extremely similar to this. I've decided to make it 46mm so I can try to fit some ducts in somehow. Can you post any flight footage?

JasonFPV0   Jan 17, 2025 

Yeah I'll try to get some within the next few days.

JasonFPV0   Jan 17, 2025 

If you can make the props blocked less it'll fly a lot better I think.

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