digital firefry o4

By daich on Jan 29, 2025

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a 28g digital rehash of my analog deadcat flywoo firefly - it only gained 7g going digital with 4k60 recording. nuts!

Sick of waiting for the betafpv canopy so I whipped up the jankiest canopy ever with a depleted fairy bottle. after 3 revisions I got something that just barely works -- the camera is hilariously tilted to one side. too much work to make another...this will make do until a proper canopy comes.
I just want to try this o4 board out!

Fractal Engineering's boostybaby is the secret here - the 5v BEC will suck a 1s to death while outputting a solid 5v.

I'll keep the flights on the same playlist

1st Feb 2025
indoors hover test - i got carried away and the fairy bottle is just too brittle.

2nd Feb 2025
after messing with the tune quite a bit, I made a canopy with a 3d pen and TPU, only took about 4 tries to get something usable. it looks very organic haha. Maiden flight outdoors was disappointing as there was a massive midthrottle twitch.

3rd Feb 2025
betafpv canopy came in. I swapped out the m2 mount bolts for much longer ones. I'm hoping the twitch is from over tightening the rubber isolators because the bolt was too short. If this doesn't solve the twitch the unfortunately it's probably a bad gyro.



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Guides & Reviews

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