5" Raven

By The Van on Nov 14, 2018

64  2,077  31

I wanted to put together some builds that differ from my usual setup - to showcase some build options and to better inform myself for future designs. Now, I'm really late to the 4-in-1 game so I was on the search for something along those lines. When I spotted the F4 Alpha, a full-bore AIO at a decent price, it became the core of this build.

So all I really had left to put inside were a VTX and a receiver. The receiver is pretty much decided upon from the start - I use crossfire. For range and responsiveness. The micro Rx fits sorta awkwardly so nano is definitely the way to go. I chose the VTX, honestly, because it's pretty & white.. Haha sort of. Usually I like the Mach 2 or TBS Unify, and there was plenty of room up front for either of those. However I like that the Lumenier (made by Matek) board has 30x30 holes and thought that I'd be able to mount it up front. Also, while I'm used to pumping out 800mw on other builds - I've flown some lower-powered units in my day, and it really comes down more to component quality than raw power output. All in all, I trust Matek's 500mw just about as much as any other VTX, including at range.

I 'thought' I could mount it up front because the Raven's pod has a good bit more room up there for your VTX & things like that. In terms of height, it was more than fine. Plenty of room! However even with the included right-angle connector, the MMCX protruded a bit far out of the side & stopped the pod from comfortably lowering into place. To get around this I mounted the VTX in the center of the stack running front to back with dual-sided tape.

The Monster cam came along with the motors from the first Raven build. I've said it before but I'll say it again - I love this camera. I'm irreversibly a 16x9 person & since V1 these have delivered really extraordinary detail, if at the slight expense of dynamic range (not as good as some runcam offerings in that respect). Sharpness is great & colors are very accurate - almost cinematic. Really hope Foxeer keeps this line moving forward.

When it came to putting everything together, the pieces fell into place pretty well. Nothing out of the ordinary, place your stack, cut your motor wires, solder some stuff..
The ALPHA board sat just where I wanted it to - with the big lipo tab fitting nicely out of the rear opening. This took away the option to secure the lipo lead with a ziptie the way I like (I'd just be grabbing the board), so I later added the optional strap plate for a little bit of insurance with dual straps. I've been mounting buzzers on the lipo lead lately which is working pretty well. I've mounted them inside the pod and it's usually no problem, but is louder when on the outside.

Bonus: The USB port is located in just the right spot in the front, so that I can access it just by tilting the camera up. Pretty sweet!

Dry weight is 290g

It flies like this:


Part List


The Raven (7 builds)

Flight Controller

Lumenier ALPHA AIO Flight Controller (F4 FC, 4x 30A BLHeli_32 ESC, OSD, PDB, Curr) (22 builds)


4 x ETHIX Mr Steele Silk Motor V2 (18 builds)

FPV Camera

Foxeer Monster Mini Pro - Black (13 builds)
See Site

FPV Transmitter

Lumenier TX5GS 25-200-500mW 5.8GHz FPV Transmitter w/ BFCMS Control (MMCX) (28 builds)


VAS 5.8GHz ION Antenna (RHCP) (8 builds)


TBS Crossfire Nano Rx (SE) w/ Immortal T V2 Antenna (29 builds)
See Site

Misc Parts

PyroDrone Sun Butter ND16 Filter 2 pcs.

Misc Parts

Session Sun Butter Case
See Site

Misc Parts

Raven Strap Plate
See Site
Show stores (10)



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hubris   Nov 16, 2018  

What's it weigh?

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The Van   Oct 21, 2019 

It was a great board for a while, but eventually the gyro gave out. Lasted maybe 6 months, was still happy with it overall :smile:

hubris   Nov 03, 2019 

Just posted my build! Love it - it flies dreamy.
Wound up at 317g dry w/ props, no GoPro.

hubris   Jun 12, 2020 

Well, that first ALPHA's gyro went screwy on at least the pitch and roll axes. GetFPV swapped it out for me, and the replacement was perfect -- for about 4 months, and then the pitch axis (only?) went. So I guess we've both had bad times with ALPHA gyros. After getting burned by the ALPHA twice, now I'm running a Matex F722-SE.

emofes   Jan 23, 2019  

where do you source your gray tpu and do you have a link to that seesion armor you're using?

The Van   Jan 23, 2019 

Sure thing! I use Sainsmart TPU (available from Amazon) and the session armor can be found here https://nomaduav.com/product/session-sun-butter-case/ and here https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3192143

ka3uh4t   Nov 21, 2018  

I am following this build but using RSII 2306-2400kv motors and R-SXR receiver, should I go with the 5 or 6" frame and props for longest flight time? not looking to fpv race, though agility/punch/speed could still be nice
Coming from a babyhawk-r on 3s, which I think is more speed/agility than I really can utilize most places I can fly

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The Van   Dec 06, 2018 

Oh righteous! In mine it's a buzzer. The board does support DSHOT (1200), mine starts buzzing the motors after a while of inactivity but that would be a really cool feature to have on a switch! Definitely PM me that info if you find it again :smile:

ka3uh4t   Dec 07, 2018 

sent you pm

lepricrashfpv   Dec 14, 2018 

I used a hellgate on my stretched-x frame. When I enable my buzzer on my transmitter, it beeps in sterio. The ESCs beep and the buzzer lol.

nicholas.picouzo@gmail.co   Nov 19, 2018  

would this be a good beginner freestyle drone? I wanna build a freestyle drone and i'm looking for a good first one that would support my gopro hero session

The Van   Nov 20, 2018 

Hey Nicholas! This might not be the best first-build unless you're up for a bit of a challenge. Space in the canopy is pretty tight & you might have to choose/arrange components carefully. If you're up for the build though, the Raven could be a great first-flier 👍

lepricrashfpv   Dec 14, 2018 

Sorry to jump in, but I think the way the Alpha AIO is configured, it makes for a great FC for a first build. I think a different frame might be a good choice, something like an x-hover, that has plenty of space in the stack.

recon   Nov 28, 2018  

This build is definitely a head turner! With that low CG & weight it must be super nimble. It has to be one of the best looking frames out there, great job. One-tip Immortal T Club!

Third Eye FPV   Nov 20, 2018  

Slick dude

DPJ   Nov 15, 2018  

Fantastic looking build man. How does it fly?

The Van   Nov 15, 2018 

Thanks! It flies great - Very smooth yet responsive. Confidence inspiring!

The Van   Nov 15, 2018 

Weather was particularly nice this afternoon, flew a few packs. Still could do a bit of tuning, but mostly all the prop wash is just bad form :smile:

TheMrJahn   Nov 15, 2018  

Cool low slyle frame! Great!

JackBear FPV   Nov 14, 2018  

That is sleek as hell!

The Van   Nov 14, 2018 

Thanks man!

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