By DannerD3H on Apr 06, 2020

13  596  10

This Quad is Decommissioned
I could never get it tuned well. I suspect the never versions of BF do not like V-Tails.


I always loved the more unique types of multirotors especially V-Tails! I never tried flying one thuogh..
Also i do not have much space where I live so micros and whoops are more my kind of thing.. Finding a modern 2-3in V-tail frame is not easy.. V-tails also seem like a dying breed..

BUT I do not take no for an answer!

So this will be my first custom frame!! :D
Some design goals:
-A powerfull 3" V-Tail build for reckless flying.
-Keep COG as close to propeller plane as possible.
-Keep weight destribution as compact as possible
-No structural parts made of 3D print!!!
-Slightly rearward pointed tail motors for increased forward speed at reduced pitch.
-Prop free view
Micro size cameras
Room for Caddx Vista

Design trashed because the bewer versions of BF does not really support V-tails.. ANd it was way to heavy..


Part List

Flight Controller

20x20 Mini Drone Stacks/Combos for - RaceDayQuads (25 builds)


4 x Iflight Moteur XING 1507 - 4200Kv (5 builds)
See Site


HQ Prop V1S 3x4x3 Tri-Blade 3" Prop 4 Pack - Choose Your Color (41 builds)

FPV Camera

RunCam Micro Eagle 1/1.8" CMOS 800TVL Global WDR 16:9/4:3 Switchable FPV Camera for RC Drone (323 builds)

FPV Transmitter

RUSHFPV Tank Mini 20x20 25-800mW 5.8GHz VTX - MMCX (91 builds)


VAS 5.8GHz Victory Stubby Antenna (SMA) (RHCP)
See Site


FrSky R9 Mini ACCESS 4/16CH 900MHz Long Range Telemetry Receiver with Redundancy Function S.Port Enabled (4 builds)


GNB 650 mAh 4S 14.8V 80C/160C XT30 (26 builds)


FrSky Taranis X-Lite Pro ACCESS 2.4GHz Radio Controller (Deep Sea Blue) (26 builds)


DJI FPV Goggles V2 - Ultra Low Latency 810p 144FPS Digital HD (147 builds)


2 x (6 builds)
See Site


Suleve™ M3AR2 M3 Aluminum Alloy Standoff Studs 8-35mm Black Round PCB Board Spacers Standoffs 10pcs (5 builds)
See Site

Misc Parts

F4 V5PRO Flight Controller Spare Part MMCX to SMA / RP-SMA Antenna Pigtail Cable 10cm for RC Drone FPV Racing (3 builds)

Radio Module

Frsky R9M Lite Pro 900MHz Transmitter Module Up to 1W RF Power Compatible FrSky ACCESS Protocol for Taranis X-Lite Pro S and X9 (12 builds)

Soldering Iron

Sequre Mini SQ-001 65W Portable Soldering Iron - Choose Version (12 builds)
Show stores (7)


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Kstone   Apr 06, 2020  

So whats the advantage here compaired to a normal quad?

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Kstone   Apr 07, 2020 

You should build a 3" Whirlygig with 1103-10000kv motors @ 2S. Its performance will surprise you and definetly would be something unique to add to your collection.

This week i will start builing an inverted 3" Whirlygig with 1104-4500kv motors @ 4S. I had made one previously but sold it shortly after performing the base tune. (Its on Rotorbuilds) The little copter flew like a bat outa hell, even with its motor scaling set to 50%.

DannerD3H   Apr 07, 2020 

Oh yes i saw the video of that one! Or was it the normal one?
But I sure will get me a micro tricopter as well Once the V-Tail is flying!
I really like yours!

Kstone   Apr 07, 2020 

Most of the videos are of the 2S Whirlygigs. Their very light and pretty simple to build as the Servo can directly connect to the Lipo. (16v 100 uf capacitor added in-line for filtering) Hence with the direct-connect, it removed the need for the secondary 7.4V BEC's used on the 4S builds.

I beleive theres still a video of the 4S on YouTube from last year. Though to be honnest, I was a bit disapointed with the 4S results. Simply put, the 1st 4S had a crappy camera that I wanted to step away from but flew like a missle @ 30% motor scaling. (Hard to control at that speed) The 2nd 4S with Emax 1106 motors (6-7 grams each) was overly heavy and thus tended to over-draw the battery when taken above 50% throttle. The 3rd build (Sold this one) with Emax 1108 motors (7-8 grams each) had a similar issue around 60-70% throttle but is much lighter overall. Despite this, all the builds had an ungodly TWR for such little things. (7 or 8:1 TWR) Saying this made tuning quite a challenge would be an underestatement. (They litterally scream at higher throttle settings)

V1 4S Whirlygig: https://rotorbuilds.com/build/18331
V2 4S Whirlygig: https://rotorbuilds.com/build/18949
V3 4S Whirlygig: https://rotorbuilds.com/build/20766

With the upcomming build, I'm hoping that the Xing 1104 motors will do the trick this time around as they have a much lower current draw and come in at 4-5 grams each. Its possible that change from the Emax mini 3" props to 2-bladed 3025's would help as well. Those 3025's are what I currently use on the 2S builds but I fear that using them with the 4S would cause the props tp flex horribly at full throttle.

Sasquads   Apr 06, 2020  

That's such a cool idea
I build a big one
flew awesome, yaw authority is superb, watch this

and do notice what he says about the rear motor angle
if you go for 45 degrees, it does not fly that well
30 - 35 degree angle for rear motors is ideal, just take it into consideration
I mean, the guy (simplecopter) experimented
Big thumbs up and I definetily want one of the frames
I'll pimp it like I always do, check my profile

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DannerD3H   Apr 06, 2020 

Thanks! :D
The plan is that it will be available for purchase/selfcut Once finished :D

Saw that video actually, thats why my motors are tilted 31 degrees xD

Damn you have a lot of copters! :O
Any golden tips on edge painting carbon frames like almost All yours? :D

Sasquads   Apr 06, 2020 

cool 31 degrees allready, you are not kidding
I've been waiting for this
I used ordinary spray paint and taped the top and bottom of the frame
but started using markers, Molotow has cool colors and then spray farnish over it, so it sticks

DannerD3H   Apr 07, 2020 

No not at all :D
Hopefully can get the parts and 3D print a frame prototype next month. Then revise the frame and order it!

Thanks for the tips :)

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