I normally fly my 5" Shendrone Ichabod Jr and a 6" FPVFrames.ch RangeX cinematic quad, but I recently noticed that my freestyle skills are not evolving at all because these quads are not build to take hits and that makes me affraid to push myself to get better.
So, I dug up my old Source One frame (that's been sitting broken on the shelf after a drunk tree jumped into my flight path and broke an arm and caused a electrical short) and used a few spare parts I've been hoarding to rebuild it from scratch.
The Source One frame is build like a tank and can take hits far better than my other quads. I'm hoping to now use it to practise freestyle without worrying so much about crashes.
The color theme on this build was inspired by another (awesome) Source One build posted on this site : https://rotorbuilds.com/build/16700
AirbladeUAV has done it again and this time they've brought long range to the 5" class! Based on the popular Transformer Mini, the new Transformer 5" Ultralight adopts a lot of the same design philosophies with larger props and more payload capacity. It can fly upwards of 20 minutes on a 4 cell Li-Ion battery pack and in ideal conditions it's got a range of over 4 to 5 miles. In this guide I'll walk..
Read moreWith the release of the DJI FPV Drone cinematic FPV has become a lot more accessible, but you certainly don't want to crash a $750 drone! The QAV-CINE Freybott is a compact, lightweight cinematic FPV drone that can take a hit and keep going. It's a lot safer to fly indoors and around people. With a naked GoPro or the SMO 4k you can capture some great stabilized footage. In this guide I'll show you..
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