3" Turtle 149 - HD Cinewhoop - Nebula Pro - Naked GoPro 7 - 246g AUW - 8+ min of flight time

By wrong17 on May 27, 2021

12  596  15

The main purpose for this build is to find a balance between size and noise. The iFlight DC2 is my baseline quad that I would compare all the new cinewhoop quads to. So far, I have yet to build another 2.5” quad that is better. So, that is why I am going to compromise the compact size of a 2.5” quad and move to a 3”. For this build I will be using a generic frame called, HSKRC Turtle 149. I do not know much about this brand, but the lightweight prop guard is what caught my attention. In comparison to the GEPRC CineQueen prop guards that I was using, the HSKRC Turtle 149 prop guards are about half the weight.

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The first thing I did was figure out how to lay out the electronics. Unfortunately, they do not have mounting holes for whoop boards. It nice that they have 2 sets of 20x20 holes, but they are way too close together. I need to make a 20x20 to 25.5x25.5 adapter so I can use the whoop size AIO board. Initially I wanted to mount the AIO board with the USB port facing the bottom of the quad because there is an opening that lines up perfectly for it. After 3D printed the mount and test fitted the electronics, the Caddx Vista is still way too close.

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After getting the measurements and spacing need for the AIO board and Caddx Vista, I figured out that it needs about 11mm offset for everything to fit. Here is how the adapter looks like with the increased offset. To reduce the number of screws and weight I designed the mount, so the AIO board is pressed in.

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I did not like how the original 3D printed adapted secured the FC. A slight miss alignment will change the leveling in Angle mode. I did not notice this problem when flying outdoors in acro mode, but when I switched it to angle mode midflight, it went crazy. Either the board shifted in a crash, or I did not make sure it was flat when after I reassembled it. That is why the quad took off on its own when I put it in angle mode. The next thing I did is reinforced the mount because it was not stiff enough towards the front of the 3D printed mount. Finially the last thing that was changed is how the flight controller was held down. Instead of the original pressed fit, now it is screwed down.

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Next up is the antenna mount. The kit came with a mount but it was a tad heavier than what I would like, so I created my own. I also planned to use a iFlight Sigma .ufl antenna because it is lighter than the cherry antenna that comes with the Nebula Pro.

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It was a trial and error to get this mount so I can use GoPro's SuperView and not get any props in camera view. I wanted to keep the camera as low and possible and closest to the center of the quad because the small lipos make it difficult to keep the quad perfectly balanced.

Update ( Jun 06, 2021) XING 2 1404 4600KV Motors - Switched from Thorttle Limit to Motor Output Limit

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I thought I was having issues with the Airblade 1404 Superman motors, so I switched to XING 2 1404 4600KV Motors. The new motor's KV are way too high, so I need to limit the output. Initially I was using Throttle Limit to lower the KV on the motors and thanks to WoopWeep he informed me that the proper way is with Motor Output Limit. With his help I was able to find out more about this and setup my limits properly. Now, I have the Motor Output Limit is set to 70, instead of having the Throttle Limits set to 70%. This new way to do things is ideal for quads that use different cell count lipo. It will automatically switch to the PID profile based on the lipo you plug in. Here is what someone told me why to use Motor Output Limit, "Use motor limits, throttle limit can still allow the mixer to send 100% throttle to the motors depending on PID reaction to movement, whereas motor limits will map 100% from the mixer to be whatever motor limit % you specify."

Here is the Motor Output Limit and Auto Cell count profile setting that I used:

profile 0
set auto_profile_cell_count = 4
set motor_output_limit = 70

profile 1
set auto_profile_cell_count = -1
set motor_output_limit = 100

So, if I plug in a 2s or 3s lipo it will automaticly switch the motor ouput back to 100.

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This is the rate profile when I fly outdoor, Notice I changed the RC Rate, Rate, and RC Expo. The Throttle also has a expo of .40 too.

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When flying indoors, I lower the throttle limit to 90% (scale) so the flying will be smoother and I can hold my altitude better. I would be using Angle Mode too, but the quad feels a bit sluggish and it needs more stick input to get it respond. So that is why I do not use the same lower rates as I would outside.

Madien Flight - Naked GoPro - 2.7K 60FPS SuperView

Indoor flight: Xing 2 1404 4600kv - 60% throttle limit - GoPro 7 Lite 2.7K SuperView

Sound Level Comparison (Jun 09, 2021)

iFlight DC2 - 2.5" iFlight 2525 Props - Tattu 650mah 4s (Build Details: https://rotorbuilds.com/build/25520)
0:14 77dBA
0:37 91dBA

HSKRC Turtle 149 - 3" HQ 3X3X3 Props - Tattu 650mah 4s (Build Details: https://rotorbuilds.com/build/27354)
1:53 72dBA
2:14 87dBA

Ummagawd 2fiddy - 5" Props Gemfan 5125 Props - BetaFPV 550mah 6s (Build Details: https://rotorbuilds.com/build/13094)
3:32 69dBA
3:52 76dBA

I know the 2fiddy is not a fair comparison because it does not even have props guards. But I wanted to put it in there so show how the quiet it is.

Nov 10, 2022 - Lumenier 850mah 4s 45C - 8 minutes of flight time


Part List


HSKRC Turtle 149 149mm 3 Inch Frame Kit w/ Propeller Protective Guard for Whoop RC Drone FPV Racing

Flight Controller

iFlight SucceX-D 20A Whoop F4 AIO Board (MPU6000) - DJI Plug & Play (7 builds)


4 x iFlight Xing2 1404 4600Kv Micro Motor (9 builds)


HQ Prop T3x3x3PC (8 builds)

FPV Transmitter

Caddx Nebula Pro Vista Kit 720p/120fps Low Latency HD Digital System For DJI FPV (165 builds)


iFlight SIGMA 5.8GHz U.FL Antenna - Choose Your Polarization and Color (17 builds)


TBS Crossfire Nano Rx Special Edition FPV Long Range Drone Receiver (160 builds)


tattu 650mah 75c 4s - Bing
See Site


Team BlackSheep TBS TANGO 2 V3 PRO RC RADIO (106 builds)


DJI Goggles 2 (8 builds)

3D Printed

HSKRC Turtle 149 GoPro Lite - Antenna - 20x20 to whoop mount by wrong17
See Site

HD Camera

GoPro Bones - HERO10 Black (FPV Lightweight Drone Camera) (3 builds)
See Site

Battery Charger

HOTA F6+ 1000W 60A 1-6S Quad Channel AC/DC Smart Charger - Grey

Battery Charger

HOTA D6 PRO Dual Charger 1-6S AC200W/DC650W 15A w/ Wireless Cellphone Charging - Black (14 builds)

Soldering Iron

TS100 Portable Programmable Smart Soldering Iron (265 builds)


Lowepro QuadGuard BP X3 - Drone Backpack for 4 FPV Quad Racing Drones and 15" Laptop w/Exterior Mounts (Black)


iFlight Crystal HD Patch and Stubby 5.8GHz RP-SMA Antenna Set for DJI - LHCP - Carbon
Show stores (8)


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LiPoFly   Jan 07, 2024  

Good afternoon. If you don't use propeller guards, will this frame accommodate 3.5" propellers?

WoopWeep   Jun 10, 2021  

Just read some of your updates. Instead of using a throttle limit, try using motor output limiting. Where a throttle limit just limits your throttle range, motor output limiting is like turning down your kv and you therefore get more efficiency too because you'll be using less voltage. The equation is motor kv that you want divided by motor kv that you have and then multiply the quotient by 100. So in your case say you wanted 3950 kv you then divide that by 4600 (kv) and get about .85 multiplied by 100 = 85 so you'd set your motor output limit to 85%.

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WoopWeep   Jun 13, 2021 

yesssss! Great to hear that it's working out for you! I'd heard that thing you mentioned about motor spin up too but couldn't remember how to explain it in the last comment. I really appreciate you giving me credit for the the suggestion too, I genuinely want to help people in this hobby but I feel like people generally feel challenged or something if I offer a suggestion. Also, just to make sure that i'm giving proper credit, this is the video that first put me on to motor output limiting, but it sounds like you may have found it already:

happy flying!

wrong17   Jun 13, 2021 

I am always open to suggestions and to try something new.
That is the exact video that I followed to setup my Motor Output Limits. It was simple and straight to the point. Most of the stuff can be done with the drop down menus but I think older versions of Betaflight you have to use CLI.

zacuge   Dec 06, 2022 

@Woopweep Wow! thanks for sharing!
I normally leave BF default and do the throttle curve in the transmitter so that full stick is just 70% of the throttle. So your suggestion is a better way to approach it? I always thought that maybe I should use 6s motors(I have 4s packs) to have more resolution on throttle for easier management of altitude.

Jodie Froster   Jul 16, 2022  

I want to build this frame, but the photos on banggood show it without the 2nd 20x20 mount (the one in the back with the vista in it). Did it look like that (on the website) when you bought it, or did it show all the mounting holes in the bottom plate?
I'm afraid they have changed the design, but I wonder if they have just failed to update the photos somewhere along the way

wrong17   Jul 16, 2022 

Wow, you are right. I think they have redesigned the frame because it did not look that way when I bought it. Here is a amazon link where I bought it. You can see the images with the 20x20 holes in the rear. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08D995BVR

techguy1623   Jun 07, 2021  

Nice one. I think my next build is going to be a mini quad!

WoopWeep   Jun 02, 2021  

lol! Dude! I have been flying this frame too and I originally bought it just for the propguards and then realized that the frame itself is actually awesome! I also made an adapter for whoop boards but yours is smarter in that it scoots the board forward, I hadn't thought of that! I've just been flying it for freestyle but man does this thing fly great! Nice Build

wrong17   Jun 02, 2021 

Thanks! How are the prop guards holding up?

WoopWeep   Jun 03, 2021 

I took them off and put them on another quad, I used said quad for a real estate shoot and the prop guards def held up to crashes.

wrong17   Jun 04, 2021 

I am glad to hear that the prop guards are holding up, thanks!

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